Monday, November 11, 2019

Teach A Child How To Read

Teach A Child How To Read

Reading is one of the most important life skills that a person can learn. Learning it early on will help your child to prepare for school. Children develop differently - some learn to read early (4-5 years old) while some would learn a few years later. Ideally, children aged 6-7 should be starting to learn how to read and write on their own.

It is best that children learn at home, taught by their parents. Follow this guide to effectively teach your child how to read:

Make her environment print-rich

If a child can constantly see printed words in your home, it will be easier for her to understand the connection between letter symbols and their sounds. Engage your little one in an environment that is print-rich - you can hang charts, posters and labels in your bedroom. Books will also help a lot. When you're out of the house, point out letters in billboards, posters and signages. It is best to focus on the first letter of the words you see and teach your child the sound it makes.

Another thing that could be very helpful is a set of alphabet flash cards. When teaching your toddler the alphabet, remember that it is more important to focus on the sound each letter makes than their names.

Play fun and simple word games

Children learn best through playing. And if you make it seem like learning is playing then your little one will be more interested. Playing simple word games at home or in the car will help prepare him to the process of learning how to read. It's ideal to play word games that will encourage your toddler to listen and focus on identifying and manipulating the sound of words.

You can start by pointing out an object and ask your child to identify it. Then ask him questions like "what letter does that word start/end with?" or "what other words start with the letter ___?"

Use the power of books

Books are probably the most important part of the learning process. Allot some quality time with your child daily just to read a few books together. It will help develop their comprehension skills and improve their vocabulary. They'll also be able to associate reading as a fun time (with you) which will encourage them to learn to read more.


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Online Dating Tips For Women

Online Dating Tips For Women

Over the past couple years, as online dating has grown in popularity, it’s grown in a lot of other ways too. The apps we use have changed, the way we communicate has changed, and the social norms have changed too. Technology moves fast and, as a result, so does the way we use it. If you’re single trying to online date, it can be hard to keep up at times. Get yourself a insider access to the most effective and results-rich dating advice in existence.

How to please your man          
How to Keep My Man         
How to Catch Him and Keep Him           

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Can You Lose Weight By Doing Yoga?

Can You Lose Weight By Doing Yoga?

The short answer is, there's no short answer. Yoga is too diverse for that. "Experts agree that increasing your physical activity level is a good first step towards losing weight. ... You will burn calories, tone and stretch your muscles, and provide weight bearing exercise for your bones with these forms of yoga.

Can You Lose Weight By Doing Yoga?



Thursday, August 8, 2019

Best WEIGHT LOSS Plan: Crack the Code of Weight Loss and Get Rid of Obesity Forever



Learning to balance healthy eating and physical activity can help you lose weight more easily and keep it off.
Take it from people who have successfully maintained weight loss:
  • 98% have modified their eating habits.
  • 94% have increased their physical activity, especially walking.

Dive in and start hitting your weight-loss goals today with help from this simple 21-day weight loss plan featuring videos and online helpful tips. You'll set yourself up for success to lose upwards of 8 pounds when following this plan for a full month. 

Click Here For More Information About Weight Loss

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Should I Avoid Eating To Get A Flat Stomach?

 What Should I Avoid Eating To Get A Flat Stomach?

 What Should I Avoid Eating To Get A Flat Stomach?

We all want to have a flat stomach, but do you know that abdominal fat is the most difficult to deal with? You work out, you try to adopt healthy diet habits, but you don’t see visible results in the mirror. Stubborn belly fat is still there, and it seems that it doesn’t plan to go anywhere. If this sounds familiar to you, we want you to know more about the foods that stand in the way of the perfect belly you’ve always wanted.

Watch Video

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Boxing Workout Program

Weekly Boxing Workout Routine

Boxing is the ultimate challenge,” Sugar Ray Leonard said. “There’s nothing that can compare to testing yourself the way you do every time you step in the ring.” The welterweight legend wasn’t just talking about throwing and taking punches. Boxing involves near constant movement. You have to be agile and precise and play a mental game of  action-reaction. A three-minute round can feel like the longest three hours of your life.


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